Friday, August 31, 2012

This is the face of a sick baby.

The preschool cold hit our house pretty bad this week. Isla is the latest victim, a head cold, teething and three vaccinations today. Send your love, we need it!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bath tub laps!

After a long summer day of multiple neighbor playdates, that included jumping in rocks, playing in the street (literally, tarred hands and feet to prove it), completely soaked from the water table, on and on.....laps in the bath tub it is!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mayhem fights her naps

Today she fought her nap pretty hard, but in the end, sleep won and she snoozed for a good two hours. Here are three pics, three days in a row, when Brian was traveling a couple of weeks ago. Yes, we had to do another room pick up today as well.

Ava starts boot camp when she wakes up from nap attempt #3

Stickers are for boot camp and the peacock feathers are me getting a start on the Ava-nators' halloween costume!

Official Photo Release:

First official two teeth photo.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer locks

Unbrushed summer hair! With a sweet smelling plumeria flower from our tree.

Does this blog title need an explanation!?

It's time! It's time to document the mayhem! No surprise who I'm referring to....just a place for me to share and have a laugh someday.

Just a few photos to get this started. Ava and her love affair with food.