Thursday, November 22, 2012

This little turkey, ate turkey today

She pawed at turkey and Cheerios, while big sister napped through thanksgiving dinner! Oh well, we are thankful for nap time in this house.
Happy thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A whole lot of work, for one little hike!

But ahhhh to go for a hike again, the climb, the elevation, the air, the ever changing views, the burn in your legs, all so good to me, I love it. Two sleepy kids, two backpacks, a few tears, we did it!!! Not to the summit on this trip, but sometime....for sure!

In the mountains

Oh my gosh, a friend blogged on her blog, and it reminded, I haven't blogged! My head has not been with me lately, for one we took an amazing trip to the mountains, but also, husband out of town, ear infection, teething, potty training, mamma has a never ending cold, thanksgiving house guests, and now a croup cough, blah, blah......
Here is Isla in the Idyllwild cabin (more to come), delighted to be able to rock the chair herself!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

It happened

Ava got a magazine today in the mail, she slept with it! Ha! After her nap, she polished off some hot chocolate and yelled out for her magazine, we joked and called it her Business Week and that she was getting down to business. Grandparents, she wants everything in the catalog for Christmas!! I'll give you a list if I can ever pry it from her clutch.

Monday, November 5, 2012

I'll take this as a compliment

She did not want to let these shoes out of her site today. Even on the playground at school, she took them off, but lined them up and set them on the rock wall where she could view them during her morning swing session! So according to Ava we wore the same shoes today and I'll take that as a complement.

Isla: 9 months

Baby girl got weighed and measured, poked and shots and we discovered she had a little ear her first prescription of the pink medicine was ordered up to celebrate our happy baby's 9 months! Wahoo! She is absolutely back to her happy self by this Monday morning!

Here is her 9 month shot and a few of the bloopers.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Meet Ava the photographer

Man, we are having family pictures taken on Sunday, I can pretty much guarantee this will be Ava's pose: running.

We went out to a diner for dinner tonight, Ava grabbed my phone and took a few very purposeful pictures. She rotated the coke (water) cup just perfectly so the red was facing forward and snapped away, I dig this one, cause "baby" is a part of the composition! Such an artist!